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Westermo has a strong value-based culture. We pride ourselves in having a respectful, fair and friendly company culture. For us, Diversity, and Inclusion (D&I) is an area closely linked to our values. We consider D&I as a business-critical area, not just for show. Our belief is that increased awareness regarding Unconscious Bias, Discrimination & Harassment and Diversity & Inclusion is the foundation for becoming the fully diverse and inclusive company we intend to be.
Diversity refers to the range of human differences. These differences can include physical or personal attributes and backgrounds, such as sex, gender (identity), age, race/ethnicity, physical abilities or attributes, national origin, religion, social class, political and ethical beliefs and much more. The terms/words, as well as laws and regulations may differ in different languages, countries and/or cultures.
Inclusion is the active process of involving, accepting, and valuing all people in the workplace. The opposite is exclusion, where people are not able to, or not welcomed to participate due to one or more differences in their background or ability.
By striving for a more diverse workforce, Westermo’s vision is:
We believe that these three aspects in the end will contribute to higher revenues and profitability.
Diversity and Inclusion is everyone’s responsibility and in everyone’s interest. It shall be included in all processes, but especially in the following areas:
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Continuously providing robust and reliable industrial networking solutions used in mission-critical systems across the globe.
Elin Sandell
HR specialist
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