Satoja tuhansia asennettuja laitteita maailmanlaajuisesti

Meillä on laaja tietämys ja kokemus tietoliikenneprojekteista. Projektin koosta ja monimutkaisuudesta riippumatta Westermo on oikea kumppani, kun tarvitset asiantuntemusta junien ja raideliikenteen tietoliikenneratkaisuista.

Collaboration is key

Westermo collaborates with some of the world's largest rail companies. Our partners appreciate our industry knowledge and technology designed to cope with the harsh operating conditions on-board trains and trackside. Here are some of the companies we work with:


Frauscher develops and manufacture wheel sensors, wheel detection systems and axle counters used in various train and trackside applications ensuring safe and reliable rail traffic.


Alstom offers a complete range of equipment and services, from high-speed trains, metros, trams and e-buses to integrated systems, customised services, infrastructure, signalling and digital mobility solutions.


Bombardier is a mobility solution provider with a portfolio ranging from trains to sub-systems and signalling to complete turnkey transport systems, e-mobility technology and data-driven maintenance services.


CRRC is the world's largest supplier of rail transit equipment. Its main businesses cover rolling stock, urban rail transit vehicles, engineering machinery, electrical equipment an much more.

Siemens Mobility

Siemens Mobility offer trams, light rail, metro, commuter and regional trains, high-speed and very high-speed trains as well as related services.


Stadler is a Swiss train manufacturer that offers intercity trains, regional trains, city transport, locomotives and tailor made trains.

Where is the Rail industry heading?

Kristina Nykvist, CEO of Siemens Mobility Sweden, speaks about the future challenges for the rail industry, including the anticipated impact of climate change and urbanisation. Two mega-trends demanding increased digitalisation within rail transportation to help cut global CO2 emissions and ensure continuous mobility development.

Kristina is interviewed by Mikael Jidenius, business driver for rail and trackside/wayside connectivity solutions at Westermo.

Smart trains and Metros of the future

Henrik Junkrans, Head of Asset Life Management Nordics and Services Sweden at Alstom, presents trends and customer observations for metro and railway systems covering the next-generation passenger experience, future safety demands, environmental challenges and the needs related to automated condition-based train maintenance. 

Customer success stories


Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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