New WeOS release with cyber security and resilience updates

Westermo is happy to announce the release of WeOS 4.23.0. This new version contains new features that add on to the already extensive set of features in WeOS. As a part of the continuous quality improvement process Westermo has further strengthened the already high quality of WeOS.

New features in this release:

WeOS is with version 4.23.0 extended with the following new features:

  • SHA-256 hashing algorithm with IPSec and Open VPN
  • MRP support for the 30 ms reconfiguration time profile
  • PROFINET pass-through mode, which allows IGMP to be enabled in PROFINET installations
  • Detect changes in configuration via SNMP

Cyber Security updates

With the release of WeOS 4.23 there are security updates to the subsystems SNMP and SSL VPN.

Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)

From version 4.22.0, WeOS supports the Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP). MRP, defined in IEC 62439-2, is a protocol that handles redundancy in ring protocols. Typical use cases for MRP are rings with switches from different vendors, rings with Profinet devices and where an open standard is required.

The following MRP features are supported in WeOS:

  • MRP Manager
  • MRP Client
  • Reconfiguration time 30 ms (new in WeOS 4.23.0) and 200 ms

Register to download and find more information on WeOS 4.23.0 in the release notes.

WeOS Download page

Carl de Bruin

International sales

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