Westermo joins European Utilities Telecom Council

Westermo is proud to have been admitted as an associate member of the European Utilities Telecom Council (EUTC). Westermo's partnership with the EUTC demonstrates our authority in the industry, as well as our commitment to continuous innovation.

The EUTC is a trade association that serves electric utilities, water utilities, and other critical infrastructure providers with knowledge and technology advice. The group brings together leading European utility companies and vendors to ensure infrastructure solutions that are efficient, secure, sustainable, and affordable. Among the issues EUTC advocates are cybersecurity, radio spectrum access, and future energy grid development.

Through the EUTC membership, Westermo gains access to the latest information on telecoms and technology issues concerning the utility sector. Through high-level European forums, members can collectively contribute to and influence key policy decisions. With its extensive experience in mission-critical telecommunications, Westermo will become an active contributor during these forums.

The development of secure and robust wireless communication solutions, ensuring the safety and reliability of critical infrastructure, is an important strategic focus for Westermo. With the membership in EUTC, Westermo looks forward to contributing to the development enabling the next generation of industrial telecommunications in Europe and globally.

For more information about EUTC, please visit www.eutc.org


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