Certified Engineer - Routing

Layer 3 switches have the added benefit of using routing technologies to provide further redundancy and open the door to securing the network. Some devices also include to the use of legacy technologies such as RS232 or RS485. This course provides the opportunity to learn about routing, firewalls, cyber security and serial over IP.



Course Overview

Prerequisite Successfully completed the course Certified Engineer- Switching


 Language  Available in English, German and French
Training equipment

1x L210-F2G
1 x DDW-142
1 x DDW-242
2 x SFP with DDM
1 x SDW-550, SDW-541 or SDW-532
1 x Merlin-4407-T4-S2-LV

Topics covered
  • Serial over IP
  • Static Routing
  • Dynamic Routing
  • Introduction to Firewalls
  • NAPT & Port forwarding
  • VRRP
  • WeConnect security practices
Learning objectives  To be confident in configuring and administering a layer 3 network with firewalls and serial over IP as well as use routing protocols efficiently.
Exam Yes
Certification Yes
Means of attending course In person
Duration of course 3 days

Terms and Conditions

What our attendees are saying

Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon. Star icon.

"This is a well-designed and well delivered course! The practical nature of the course and the extent of contents covered in a short time scale were beyond my expectations!
Sivayogan Sasinthan, SSEN Transmission

Meet your instructors

Hallo, mein Name ist Marcel.

Ich bin einer der technischen Instruktoren in der Schweiz. Als OT Netzwerk Spezialist und Applikations- Ingenieur mit vielen Jahren Erfahrung, darf ich auf etliche interessanten Projekte zurückblicken. 
In unseren praxisnahen Trainings gebe ich dir gerne mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung weiter. Ich freue mich, dich in einem unserer Kurse begrüssen zu dürfen. 

Zögere nicht, mich zu kontaktieren, falls du Fragen betreffend dieses oder eines anderen Kurses hast. Ich bin erreichbar unter academy.ch@westermo.com.

Check out our other courses

Nuri Shakeer

International sales

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